CUET PG Part A – General Paper Pattern and Syllabus
Video Transcript
Hello students, welcome to Learning Skills. In today’s video, I will describe the CUET PG General Paper pattern and syllabus in detail.
At any point, if you have any questions feel free to use the comment box below the video.
I would love to answer all your questions related to CUET General Paper.
So, without much ado, let us start.
CUET Paper Pattern
The exam mode for CUET PG entrance exams is CBT (Computer Based Test).
Moreover, the question type is MCQ, which is Multiple Choice Questions. You will get 4 options to choose one answer out of it.
Basically, you will get a computer at your exam center to attempt the CUET PG paper MCQ questions.
On your system, you will get to scroll all questions freely either using the ‘Next’ or ‘Back’ button or page numbers given on the right hand side.
There will be four options under each question namely ‘1)’, ‘2)’, ‘3)’ and ‘4)’. You can refer to the image given.
You have to choose one of the options to answer the question.
After choosing the answer, you have four buttons for different actions.
The first button is ‘Save & Next’. You can save the option you selected and move to the next button by clicking this.
The second button is ‘Clear’. You can remove the selection from the option you choose.
The third button is ‘Save & Mark for Review’. That means that you can save the option you selected but you’re marking it for review later on.
The fourth button is ‘Mark for Review & Next’. That means that you are only marking the question for later review without saving the option you selected.
On the top left hand side, there are markers representing the actions you did for each question.
When you see white box marker on any of the page numbers (given on the bottom right hand side) then that means you’ve not visited the question yet.
When you see a red colored box on one of the page numbers then that means you’ve visited the question but didn’t answer it yet.
When you see a green colored box on one of the page numbers then that means you’ve answered the question and saved it.
When you see a purple colored circle on one of the page numbers then that means you’ve marked the question for review later.
And when you see a purple colored circle with a green dot on one of the page numbers then that means you’ve answered the question but also marked for review later.
Lastly, there’s a green colored ‘Submit’ button. You will click it only when you’re sure that you’ve completed the test and want to submit it.
That’s because once you click the ‘Submit’ it will ask you for confirmation and when you click ‘Yes’ thereafter you won’t be able to make any changes or go back. It will be a final submission.
That’s why it is recommended that you must review your answers before submitting the paper.
Now you must know the CUET PG paper pattern. Let me explain it to you.
You have a total of 2 hours, which means a total of 120 minutes to complete the CUET PG paper and submit it.
Within 120 minutes you have to answer 100 MCQ type questions, right!
That means you will have approximately 1 minute 20 seconds to answer each question, okay.
The total marks is 400. That means each answer carries 4 marks.
However, there’s a negative marking as well for each incorrect answer that is -1.
But if you leave questions unanswered you will get zero marks.
Lastly, there are 2 sections, that is Part A and B.
Part A is General paper, which is a common paper for most of the entrance exams under CUET PG.
General paper will not be part of the CUET PG exams for PGQP01, 08, 38, 40, 60, 74 and 78.
For the rest of the CUET PG exams, General paper will be the common Part A paper.
If you are not sure about your CUET PG paper code, then you can refer to the pdf I have provided in the caption to know your paper code.
Now, let us learn more about Part A paper, which is the focus of this video.
CUET PG General Paper (Part A) will consist of 25 questions.
The syllabus for CUET PG General paper consists of Language Comprehension and Verbal Ability, General Awareness, Mathematical or Quantitative Ability and Analytical Skills.
Part B is your subject paper, which will consist of 75 questions.
Now, let me explain to you further about each syllabus topics in the CUET PG General paper one by one.
Language Comprehension and Verbal Ability
In the 2022 CUET PG exams, the first 10 questions in the General paper out of 25 questions were based on Language Comprehension and Verbal Ability.
Therefore, you can expect 8-10 questions from it.
As you can see, all these are the sub topics for General Paper
Starting from Grammar, where basic grammar questions can be asked.
Then there can be questions on ‘Locating spelling errors’.
There can be questions on ‘Locating the correct word for sentence’ from the given options.
‘Locating the correct sentence’ – you will have to find the correct sentence from given options.
There can be questions on ‘Jumbled letters/phrases/sentences’, where a mix of words or phrases or sentences will be given, and you would be asked to create a new word or sentence or para respectively.
There can be questions on ‘One-word substitute’, where you have to find the word that can replace a phrase.
In ‘Word Replacement Questions’ you will have to replace a word from a sentence or phrase to improve the sentence.
Then there can be questions on ‘Words Relationship’. You could be asked to match the words based on their direct or indirect relationships such as Letters-Friends, Papers-Basket, Cards-Printed, and Clock-Time.
There can be questions on ‘Direct-Indirect Speech’ and ‘Active-Passive Voice’ which come under grammar.
Then there can be questions on ‘Synonyms and Antonyms’. Basically, you will have to find a similar word or opposite word from the given options.
There can be questions on ‘Anagrams’, where you will have to find the word or phrase from the given options using the letters or words of the given word or phrase.
Lastly, questions on ‘Correct usage of punctuation’ and ‘Use of Articles’ that are again part of basic grammar can be asked.
The language comprehension and verbal ability section is the most important section, which is very scoring provided you’ve prepared well for it.
Next part of the syllabus is Mathematical/Quantitative Ability.
According to NTA, Mathematics/Quantitative ability questions will be up to 8th class level.
You can expect 6-7 questions in this segment. However, in 2022 CUET PG General Paper 6 questions were based on this topic.
You can already see the sub topics given here.
Basically, there can be questions from LCM and HCF, Average, Time and Distance, Basic Algebra, Time and Work, Percentage, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, and Number Series.
All these topics need conceptual clarity and practice to crack them in time during the test.
These questions will be easy to solve for Science and Commerce students.
However, Humanities students need not worry, with practice you can solve it.
But again, the next important and scoring part in the General paper is this topic.
General Awareness and Analytical Ability
In analytical ability topics, you will get to attempt relationship questions, coding questions, direction questions, and blood-relations questions.
In the 2022 CUET PG General Paper, there were 4 questions on it. Again with practice you can easily crack these questions.
Lastly, and the most difficult of all is General Awareness.
There can be questions from anywhere – Climate Change, Environment, Politics, Sports, Entertainment, History, International Affairs etc.
The unpredictability makes this section difficult and less scoring.
However, if you regularly read newspapers then there is a high chance that you will easily solve these questions.
In the 2022 CUET PG General Paper, there were a total of 5 questions ranging from International Affairs, Indian Cricket to Current Affairs.
You cannot separately prepare for the General Awareness. Hence, I don’t personally recommend you to put in energy and time particularly for this part.
So, this was the CUET PG General Paper syllabus we discussed. If you’ve any questions feel free to ask using the comment box below the video. Thank you.
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